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Jeffrey P. Fisher
Audio/Video Artist and Trainer
Monday, September 17, 2012
8:00pm eastern

There’s more to success than only being consumed by your art.  Learn the real-world strategies that enable you to live the Art Life. All artists – musicians, filmmakers, writers, painters and more – will discover how to make art and make money to support your creative pursuits – whatever they may be. Just like oil and vinegar, art and business do mix – as long as you learn to shake things up a bit using the ideas from this session.

Jeffrey P. Fisher is an in-demand audio/video artist and trainer providing music, audio, writing, consulting, training and video production services. He’s an award-winning filmmaker and his latest book and DVD combo is “Soundtrack Success: The Digital Storyteller’s Guide to Audio Post Production.” As a lifelong artist-entrepreneur, he provides a unique art-biz perspective.


Sculptor Jim Gallucci and the 'Art' of Business

The Arts and creative enterprises are important contributors to the local economies in which they exist, but starting an art-based business requires a unique approach. Greensboro-based sculptor and small business owner Jim Gallucci shares his insights on art-business ownership, the challenge of turning a passion into a career, and why Greensboro is a favorable location for creative entrepreneurs to pursue aspirations of business ownership.

This video was provided by the University of North Carolina Greensboro.  Mr. Gallucci was awarded the Founders award by SEA's Regional - Southern Entrepreneurship in the Arts Conference which is held each year at UNCG.

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